The Wizard of Oz – 2020

ProductionCastStaff & CrewOrchestraPhoto GalleryProgram


The Wizard of Oz
By L. Frank Baum
Music and Lyrics by Harold Arlen and E. Y. Harburg
Background Music by Herbert Stothart
Adapted by John Kane for the Royal Shakespeare Company
Based upon the Classic Motion Pircture owned by Turner Entertainment Co, and distributed in all media by Warner Bros.
January 10-19, 2020
Performed at Naperville Central High School Auditorium


In Order of Appearance

Dorothy Emma Lee
Toto Dory Briones-Walsh
Aunt Em Georgia Cotler
Uncle Henry Jay Hruska
Hickory/Tinman Stuart Vance
Hunk/Scarecrow Geon Ruffin
Zeke/Lion Brett Baleskie
Miss Gultch/Wicked Witch Heather Hutchison
Professor Marvel/Wizard Paul Mullen
Glinda Andrea Behegan Gough


Janaki Amerson
Samantha Anders
Brooke Backhaus
Tessa Belter
Allison Broschka
Nicholas Carnahan
Nicholas Chen
Luke Diendorf
Will Diendorf
Joy Haddleton
Emily Huff
Christopher Kenny
William Lardner
Ava Lee
Charlie Scriven-Young
Elisabeth Torbett


James Saylor (Emerald City Guard)
Shera Andrews
Amy Arbizzani
Brenna Backhaus
Valerie Broschka
Makenna Case
Brady Cotler
Andy Emmerich
Allison Fosdick
Elliot Gallegos
Gretchen Gannon
Mark Geiger
Ava Hendren
Meaghan Inglis
Tracy Kay
Sadie Keeling
Hannah Kennedy
Mia Lee
Noelle Maher
Luke McClure
Skylar McClure
Trish Micus
Kathy Musselman
Katie Paulsen
Tom Paulsen
Holly Reidy
Darby Schober
Nikki Srail
Shannon Webb

Staff & Crew

Production Staff

Producer Emily Walker
Director & Costume Design Kris Visher
Production Manager & Stage Manager Timothy Ray
Music Direction John Apple
Choreographer Victoria Zielinski
Scenic Design & Technical Direction Chris Wych
Lighting Design Bob Haddleton
Sound Design Marty Lick
Makeup and Hair Design Diane Link

Production Leaders/Committees

Projection Design Chris Wych
Assistant Music Director Leigh Apple
Assistant Choreographers Emily Rose, Lindsey Rose
Costume Chairpersons Donna Kent, Beth Lee
Costume Construction Brett Baleskie, Valerie Broschka, Allison Fosdick, Tracy Kay, Donna Kent, Ava Lee, Bella Lee, Beth Lee, Emma Lee, Greg Lee, Marilyn Partyka, Jim Visher, Kris Visher, Victoria Zielinski
Makeup and Hair Lynda Christopher, Kelly Lamich, Diane Link, Gail McClure, Katie Sterbenz
Set Construction and Painting Brett Baleskie, Julie Braun, John Broschka, Valerie Broschka, Emily Chen, James Chen, Matthew Chen, Nicholas Chen, Brady Cotler, Allison Fosdick, Gretchen Gannon, Mark Geiger, Jeff Heath, Jay Hruska, Emma Hutchison, Emma Lee, Greg Lee, Justin Lee, Mia Lee, Noelle Maher, Skylar McClure, Peter Nemecek, Timothy Ray, Richard Ridgway, James Saylor, Jim Visher, Alice Wych, Chris Wych, Jacob Wych
Properties Leads Rosanne McCallion, Simone Pacha
Properties and Set Decoration Jeff Baffle, Jody Lee, Rosanne McCallion, Simone Pacha, Jennifer Ramey
Lighting and Sound Team Bob Haddleton, David J. Kueker, Marty Lick, Timothy Ray, Chris Wych

Technical Crew

Fly Rail Captain Jeff Heath
Backstage Crew Rob Anders, Emma Hutchison, Simone Pacha, James Somerlot, Jim Visher, Chris Wych
Light Board Operator Alice Wych
Sound Board Operator Marty Lick
Spotlight Operators Bob Haddleton, Jake Wych
Dog Wrangler Ellie Schober


Naperville Park District Program Manager Brittany Malatt
Production Assistant Simone Pacha
Audition Team Lead Jim Visher
Audition Pianist Michelle Braxton
Rehearsal Sign Language Interpreters Patti Shore Kaden, Jennifer Maulding, Nikki Schletz
Publicity Patrick Zielinski
Production Photography Connie Fisher, Greg Lee, Jim Visher
Website Managers Timothy Ray, Chris Wych
Volunteer Coordinator Emily Walker
Program Design Timothy Ray, Chris Wych

Front-of-House Staff

House Manager Tim Cotler
Assistant House Manager Chuck Maher
Box Office Manager Joe Ray
Ushers Nicole Anders, Jon Andrews, Alan Backhaus, Bridget Backhaus, Amie Belter, John Broschka, Beth Burner, Jim Burner, Rachel Burner, Kathy Carnahan, Emily Chen, James Chen, Matthew Chen, Logan Cotler, Maci Cotler, John Diendorf, Brian Fogel, Jamie Huff, Rebecca Huff, Gina Kenny, Bella Lee, Greg Lee, Justin Lee, Sarah Maher, Barb Mahoney, Kelly Mahoney, Brandon Noey, Katie Noey, Jeanne O’Connell, David Olsen, Georgene Olsen, Karen Petracek, Kailin Ross, Alex Roy, Vicki Saylor, Lauren DeSimone, Ben Torbett, Brian Walus, Jenn Walus
Performance Sign Language Interpreters Patti Shore Kaden, Dan Englund

Magical Starlight Orchestra

Conductor: John Apple

Violin Gina Detienne, Jenna Cima
Flute/Piccolo Gina Torbett
Oboe/English Horn Tyler Selvig
Alto Sax/Clarinet/Bass Clarinet/Bari Sax Kurt Makaryk
Clarinet/Bass Clarinet Tommy Krohn
Alto Sax/Keyboard Lisa Hatfield
Trumpets John Gorman, Robert Hatch
Horn Leigh Apple
Trombone Janae Lemmert
Keyboards Michelle Braxton
Bass Chuck Torbett
Drums Jim Schluchter
Percussion Kaileigh Frye
