All Hallows Eve – 2015

ProductionCastStaff & CrewPhoto Gallery


Harry Potter and the Battle’s Beginning
Influenced by the works of J.K. Rowling
October 16-17, 2015
Naper Settlement’s Century Memorial Chapel


In Alphabetical Order

Harry Potter Zach Coronado
Ron Weasley Michael Winner
Hermione Granger Isabella Newhuis
Draco Malfoy Frank Gomulka
Luna Lovegood Kara Garland
Lavendar Brown Doris Olsen
Neville Longbottom Justin Lee
Cho Chang Emma Lee
Severus Snape Stuart Vance
Albus Dumbledore Jay Hruska
Minerva McGonagall Karen Garland
Pomona Sprout Alice Wych
Sybill Treawney Pam Smith
Tonks Melissa Matthews
Arabella Fig Rosanne McCallion
Molly Weasley Kate Ray
Filius Flitwick Joe Ray
Dolores Umbridge Jill Hruska
Rita Skeeter Kris Visher
Bellatrix Lestrange Heather Hutchison
Narcissa Malfoy Jodi Bernicky
Fenrir Greyback Jim Visher

Staff & Crew

Production Staff

Writer Victoria Newhuis
Director Kris Visher
Technical Director Joseph Pietrie
Stage Manager Timothy Ray
Hair and Make-up Designer  

Technical Crew

Lights/Sound/Crew Joseph Pietrie, Tim Ray, Jake Wych
Costume Crew  
Hair and Make-up Crew